Vulnerability is Strength Newsletter 30 April 2020

Hoping all is well with your place in the world and that you are finding your Balance in the new norm. 
Because of lockdown and safety, my days are full, and fuller than usual between having less help, signing up for online happenings and connecting more.   This lockdown period has had such a bonus effect – with less external drivers we have more internal awareness - it is giving us the opportunity to look inward, and to see what we need and what is truly important to us.  It is like a decluttering, an emptying out to then decide how we want to refill it. 
Last weekend I joined Ascension Meditation ‘in Sweden’.  The theme for the week was for ‘letting this moment be enough’.  There was a point when the teacher asked us to ‘be super gentle’ – tears fell, and I wasn’t sure if I was heavier or the downpour outside!  The group was sharing how emotional they are presently feeling.  We all shared, I was too emotional to speak, instead I wrote to the group that “I was crying right now”,  and was thanked for being open and giving that service.  We all appreciated we are in this together.  I hope you have your connections and pillars during this lockdown.  I realised during week one how important connecting during this time is, more important than ever, and wanted to connect with you more.  I hope you are doing okay.  We are all going through different troughs, may you find your peaks too and Balance up.  I have gone through such highs and lows during this lockdown, we are into week seven now with a likely four more to go.  I find it enriching to live and embrace the present moment fully, to be in tune with my authentic self -  be gentle & kind to myself and others.
Life in at the vineyard is going really well.  We have an update below from our vineyard guru Col who is managing our vines.  Things are really looking incredible; the season gave us a smaller yield this year, but we are very excited by the quality of the fruit that we harvested.
Col connects from our Cabernet plot at the vineyard, we are so incredibly proud of how well our Cabernet Sauvignon is being received, especially after Huon Hooke’s review last week of my Mum's, Ann's wine in The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age Good Food section.  Huon has followed up the review on his website The Real Review and Cellar Talk.  Mum would have been so proud of this.  Mum’s passion and love continue to reverberate throughout what we do.  It seems fitting that we introduced the lambs into the vineyard last week.  Mum’s zodiac sign was the sheep, so it is wonderful to have these Mum connections - tending to her beloved vineyard, helping us get ready for winter and making sure everything is ok in our patch of the world.
Please let us know how you are going; this isn’t just a global pandemic but a communal one.
Being vulnerable is strength,
Charmaine & Team UMAMU.